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Steering system in a sentence

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Sentence count:56Posted:2018-10-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: scoring systemmonitoring systemrating systempaging systemwarning systemheating systemwriting systemcooling systemMeaning: n. a mechanism by which something is steered (especially a motor vehicle). 
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1. Four - wheel tracking steering system.
2. The research in the paper was about the steering system of assembled trailer.
3. A beam steering system consisting of multiple single chip processors is described. It is simple and flexible because its phase calculation and control is implemented by software.
4. Power steering system: Changes the augmenter constitution by mechanical steering system Canada.
5. Dynamic simulation results demonstrate that differential gear mechanism steering system is capable improving the on-center handling performance of the vehicle.
6. The control of surface PMSM electric steering system includes the torque control and the vector control.
7. The electric steering system on electric forklifts is an angular position tracking system.
8. Main characteristics of the electronic-controlled electric power steering system are analyzed. The developing present situation and prospect of this system are introduced.
9. The equivalent stiffness of steering system also need to be measured by experiment.
10. According to one homemade combinable multi-axle trailer's steering system, the calculation in the paper proves this design method is reasonable and practicable.
11. The quality of the steering system and steering geometry also dictates the performance of the trike.
12. This paper describes the working principle of automatic steering system of four-track slip-form concrete paver and sets up a mathematic model of the steering system.
13. Power steering system for Cherokee Jeep consists of a steering vane pump and power steering gear.
14. According to the power-assisted request of steering system, some research on EPS control scheme has been done.
15. The concrete overall design of wheel independent steering system ( 4 WIS ) was formulated in details.
16. The steering system determines the driving firection of an automobile.
17. The structure and makeup of active steering system, the operating principle and operating mode of dual planetary gear mechanism are introduced in detail.
18. The central control steering system software for X rudder submarine is developed based on the equivalent rudder angle transition mathematic model.
19. Through KASS analysis calculation, acquire the transformation rule of front wheel location parameter and steering error of McPherson suspension and steering system.
20. This paper elaborates the basic types and the adjustment laws of automatic steering system of ships.
21. All the officers and helmsman are familiar with the change-over from the main to the emergency steering system, or vice versa.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. So it has a complete , real - world steering system.
23. Steering the beam direction is the main function of beam steering system of phased array radar, besides, outline-testing and online-monitoring can be performed by itself.
24. With the rapid development of phased array radar technology, a high requirement is given to the radar beam steering system, particularly to fast beam scan steering for a large aperture antenna array.
25. They conducted their first rollover test in 1959. - In 1960, they patented the safety steering system.
26. Capability of power-assisted steering is a crucial factor for Electric Power Steering System, capability of power-assisted steering directly influences the safety of vehicle steering.
27. Control to power - assisted system is considered the basic control and it decides steering system performance.
28. Description : ---- Electricity and electronics , cooling system, ignition system, air condition system, suspension and steering system.
29. The system performance of the various components are fully tested automotive electric power steering system assembly, factory testing and repair aspect of the essential.
30. Returnability is affected mainly by automobile velocity, torsional stiffness of steering system and caster angle and relatively little by viscous friction coefficient of steering system.
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